Return To Your First Love – The One and Only
This word stems from a dream I had last year at the early hours of the morning on the 1st of March. I will share the dream and then my interpretation and revelation received from Holy Spirit afterwards. This is a word for the ecclesia – a word of warning but also filled with glorious expectations of the new era and season we are in. Initially I thought that this word had to be released last year when I had the dream, but as I was walking with this for almost a year, I received revelation during the past few weeks on the interpretation and what the Holy Spirit was revealing that needed to be shared now – a year later. A NOW word!
I encourage you to take some time out and to read through this word prayerfully, asking Holy Spirit to guide you on the way forward concerning this word and how to apply this to your own life. The choices we make impacts our actions and those around us.
Choose LIFE, choose LOVE, and choose LIGHT.
For God is Life, God is Love
and God is Light.
I bless you with Ephesians 1: 17-18 TPT:
17 I pray that
the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the
riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know Him through
your deepening intimacy with Him. 18 I pray that the light of God will
illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you
experience the full revelation of the hope of His calling – that is, the wealth
of God’s glorious inheritance that He finds in us, His holy ones!
Dream received on the 1st of March 2020, woke up at 01h00
I received a call from the doctor’s secretary inquiring whether I have received a CD from Dr. Jacobs with scripture verses being read
while orchestra instrumental music is playing in the background. As they normally give this to all their new
patients. I responded that I have not
received this and she then agreed to make sure to send me my copy of the
CD. As she said this, I suddenly heard
the actual CD playing in the background in the doctor’s rooms and it seemed
like I was there in the waiting room on a stretcher bed waiting to be seen by the
doctor. Laying on my side and while
listening to the music which sounded similar to the soaking music from
Kimberley and Alberto Rivera, immediately felt the weighty presence of Holy
Spirit. Then this weighty pressure was on
my left kidney and I started screaming because of the discomfort. Not painful,
just uncomfortable as if a hand was literally “laying hands” on me with intense
I then saw Jesus coming towards me to fetch me. I couldn’t
see His face clearly but saw His right arm and hand and He was dressed in a
white tunic with gold embroidery on the end of the sleeve. He came straight towards me and took my hand.
I felt safe holding His hand but then suddenly started screaming and feeling
panic as I then saw the scene of Noah’s Ark, and the doors were already shut
with his family in the ark. The water
was rising rapidly and the people outside of the ark were all screaming and
shouting to let them in, as they were busy drowning in the flooding water. I
could feel my heart beating really fast and could sense the fear in the people
from where I was standing – the fear of missing the boat and death staring at
I screamed with a load voice: “Repent of your sins and turn
to Jesus. He loves you and died for you.
Repent of your sins. Repent, repent!!!” I was shouting loudly, feeling
my heart beating really fast and hard in my chest.
Thereafter, I saw another scene with a man looking like
Jesus, but this time dressed in a tunic made from sheepskin. He was standing on a lush green hillside
under a huge tree talking to a disciple.
I ran towards him and took his hand telling him not to leave me. As I took his hand and looked at him, it did
not feel like the first time in the dream when I held his hand, and when I
looked at him, I thought: “Hmm, you don’t look like the Jesus I know. You look like a TV ‘Jesus’ “. End of the dream
Interpretation and revelation received:
In the book of Genesis chapters 6 to 9, we read about “Noah
who found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen 6:8) and in verse 9, that “Noah
was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God”. God has chosen Noah and gave him detailed instructions
to build an ark to carry his family safely through the
flood of rain that was sent to cleanse the earth
from all corruption and evil. When the
time was ready, and all the animals were in the ark with Noah, his wife and their
three sons with their wives; God shut the door and no one else could enter in.
Those in the ark were preserved and protected from the
devastation of what was happening globally.
Kidneys are symbolic for the Bible. We have two kidneys and the Bible has the Old
and New Testament which each kidney represents. The function of the kidney is
to flush out the toxins from the body.
The word of God, the Bible, is written for us to read and mediate on day
and night flushing out the toxins of this world from our soul (mind, will and
emotions). The washing or
cleansing with the Word as referred to in Ephesians 5:26. In the dream, the pressure was on the left
kidney which represents the Old Testament for the book of Genesis as this is
the scene I was taken to.
The flood as in Genesis represents the global “pandemic”
which spread across the earth like THE flood.
Literally in a matter of months almost every corner of the earth had
reported cases of people being infected with the virus as well as those who
died. The higher the number of cases
reported daily, the greater the fear of the people increased globally. This is the fear of the people I saw in the
dream – fear of missing the boat (ark represents our protection in Yahweh) and
fear of death.
Noah, his family and the animals in the ark represent the
covenant that Abba Father has made with those who have accepted Jesus Christ as
their Lord and Saviour. Through the
Blood of His Son Jesus Christ shed on the Cross of Calvary, we have eternal
salvation in Him. As we apply the precious Blood of Jesus on the doorpost of our heart, the eye and
ear gates, we are protected from the worldly news that is trying to take
root in our hearts by sowing words of fear. He preserves us and protects us when
we choose to be under His covering as in Psalm 91.
The “Jesus” I saw in the dream dressed in a tunic made from
sheepskin. When I touched his hand, it did not feel like the first time – was
not familiar and neither did he look like the Jesus I know; for he looked like
a TV “Jesus”. There is a well-known idiom that goes “a wolf dressed in sheep’s
clothing”. The meaning thereof as per
Wikipedia: from Biblical origin, used to describe those playing a role contrary
to their real character with whom contact is dangerous, particularly false
A Now Word
In John 14:6 (TPT) “Jesus explained, ‘I am the Way, I am the
Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with Me.’” Jesus is THE Only Way to the Father. There is no other means of having eternal
life but through His precious Blood that made atonement for our sins from past,
present and future. We cannot depend on religion
and rituals to give us eternal life, nor because our parents or grandparents
has been attending church all their lives and not even because we are attending
church and are good people. Jesus is the Gateway to eternal life. There is no other name that has the power to save
us from this broken and sinful world.
We can no longer rely on second hand information of Jesus
Christ. He needs to be our personal Lord and Saviour.
We need to encounter Him for ourselves, hear His voice
for ourselves and recognise His presence for ourselves. Intimacy can only be developed by having a
relationship with the True Living God, Abba Father, Yeshua and Holy Spirit.
Where you experience the truth about who you are in your identity in Christ
Jesus and Who He is as Yahweh Adonai. He
is all about covenant relationship. Holy Spirit is here to help us to grow into
maturity in our walk with Jesus. The more
time we spend with Him, the more intimate the relationship develops. It takes time just like any other
relationship. It is a daily walk of listening and being obedient to His
leading. We learn to know His heart, how He sees the world around us, how He
sees others and most importantly, how He sees us personally.
The world has an evil agenda and uses all means of platforms
to spread news of lies, deceiving its audience and portraying false information
as factual truth. We are called to guard
our hearts at all times; to daily put on the Armour of God (Ephesians 6) and to
walk in close communion with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said that He did not leave us alone as orphans; He gave us a
Helper for He also had to partner with Holy Spirit while walking on this
earth. We need the help from the Divine Helper to detect the deceiving devices of the enemy’s plans
and false teachings that can easily lead us astray. Holy Spirit will always witness to the Word
of Jesus Christ – the written Word of God - the Bible.
We serve the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The One and Only True God, Yahweh
Adonai. He is not the god of gods;
neither are the other religious “gods” the same as He. For God Yahweh is not a god of religion, He is The God of RELATIONSHIP.
He is the Great I AM. Jesus
Christ The Messiah (Yeshua Hamasiach) is the Head of the Church, the ecclesia –
The Body of Christ. This is One body
– not a divided body – One United Body, John
17. When Yeshua ascended into heaven, we received the gift of the Holy Spirit
as our Comforter and Helper. We are not meant to do this on our own in our own
strength. The early church in the Book
of Acts depended on the Holy Spirit to guide and lead them on how to do church. They
were partnering with the Holy Spirit in unity for the sake of spreading the
Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of this earth and winning souls for His
Question to the Body of Christ: If a virus could spread across
the globe in a matter of months together with the indoctrination messages of precautions,
why is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ The Messiah not spreading across the
globe and covering it like a flood?
Where are we placing our focus right now…on the things of this
world? Has fear taken root in our hearts that we prefer to be locked up in our
homes instead of going out there and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Romans
8:19 AMP declares “For [even the whole] creation [all nature] waits eagerly for
the children of God to be revealed.”
It is time to arise and shine beloved South Africa, we as the children
of God are here on this earth on a mission – to win souls for the Kingdom of
our King of Glory, Yeshua Hamasiach. We
have entered into a new era, the Kingdom Era and just as the apostles were
commissioned to go out and to make disciples of all men, to cast out demons, to
raise the dead and to heal the sick and to spread the Gospel of Jesus across
the world, so we also have the responsibility to fulfil our purpose here on
this earth to extend the Kingdom. On
earth as it is in Heaven!
The harvest is ready and revival is waiting to be
birthed. So many prophetic words
have been released for South Africa.
What are we doing about it? God promises in His word, that His Word does
not return void but it will accomplish and succeed in what it has been sent
forth to do. Isaiah 55:11. We all have
our part to play in prevailing intercession.
It is time to take our positions and to partner with Holy Spirit to
usher in the GREATEST THIRD
WAVE OF REVIVAL GLORY FIRE that we have been hearing about for the
past decades.
Arise and Shine Ecclesia of South Africa, for your light has
come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. 2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness
the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon
John 3:16 TPT
16 For this is how much God loved the world – He gave His one and only, unique Son as gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life. 17 “God did not send His Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Saviour and rescue it! 18 So now there is no longer any condemnation for those who believe in Him, but the unbeliever already lives under condemnation because they do not believe in the name of God’s beloved Son.Colossians 1:15-20 TPT
The Supremacy of Christ
15 He is the divine portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, and the first-born heir of all creation. 16 For through the Son everything was created, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, realm of government, principality, and authority—it was all created through Him and for His purpose! 17 He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in Him.
18 He is the Head of His body, which is the church. And since He is the beginning and the firstborn heir in resurrection, He is the most exalted One, holding first place in everything. 19 For God is satisfied to have all His fullness dwelling in Christ. 20 And by the blood of His cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to Himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again!
Thank you for sharing this perfectly timed message & for the insight of your personal revelation & interpretation of the dream delivered to you by Holy Spirit. Yes, I am ready to take up my position & to partner with Holy Spirit in order to usher in the GREATEST THIRD WAVE OF REVIVAL GLORY FIRE with great expectation & palpable excitement. Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. The more time I spend with Jesus, the more real He becomes & the more Holy Spirit's intervention becomes clearer to witness in my daily life. I know that without Jesus I am but a dry branch producing no fruit & for this reason, I make sure to read His word daily to learn, listen & to grow spiritually to maturity with the goal of becoming a true disciple in order to spread the gospel in the world we find ourselves in today. We really do have the perfect opportunity to bring Heaven to Earth. The distractions & false doctrines of this world become clearer by the day but nothing born of this world can stop us from being who He has called us to be. I pray that God will continue to bless your life & your ministry as it encourages us to continue strengthening our relationship with the One and Only True God, Yahweh Adonai! May we continue to bless each other and love another as He has commanded us to do. Amen!