
Showing posts from May, 2023

Pray For Our Children

26 May 2023 6 Sivan 5783 Shalom beloved in the Lord On 21 September 2021, I posted a word on a dream I had about our children being sacrificed to the enemy and his devious plans on how he is doing this. See the link to read the post again:  Let The Children Come Unto Me One of the ways that the enemy uses to bring destruction to our children is through EDUCATION . To school them in knowing his ways unknowingly, causing them to CHOOSE to align with the plans he has for their lives instead of the plans that Abba Father has of "plans of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29v11). I am calling on parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, teachers, mentors, and anyone who has a relationship with a child, TO ARISE AND SHINE in this hour. Our children and the next generations need us to stand for them in prayer and to declare the blessings over them and their future that Abba Father is speaking over the children. We are called to speak life and blessin...