Pray For Our Children

26 May 2023
6 Sivan 5783

Shalom beloved in the Lord

On 21 September 2021, I posted a word on a dream I had about our children being sacrificed to the enemy and his devious plans on how he is doing this. See the link to read the post again: Let The Children Come Unto Me

One of the ways that the enemy uses to bring destruction to our children is through EDUCATION.
To school them in knowing his ways unknowingly, causing them to CHOOSE to align with the plans he has for their lives instead of the plans that Abba Father has of "plans of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29v11).

I am calling on parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, teachers, mentors, and anyone who has a relationship with a child, TO ARISE AND SHINE in this hour. Our children and the next generations need us to stand for them in prayer and to declare the blessings over them and their future that Abba Father is speaking over the children. We are called to speak life and blessings over our children; to love them; listen to them; protect them; spend time with them and teach them in the ways of the Lord.

Every generation is fighting a battle because of the sins of the previous generation(s). We can not compare the yesterdays to what we are experiencing today. We have to stand together in unity and fight together as ONE to preserve the righteous family values in our society. As Joshua said, "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve....but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24v15)

Education is one of the mountains of society and this mountain is being used to attack our children and the next generations. The Department of Basic Education is in the process of tabelling the proposed Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (BELA Bill) and we as the nation have the opportunity to act on this proposal. The public participation hearings for the Western Cape are scheduled for this weekend where oral and written submissions will be handed in. See the link for more details:  

This bill will impact all parents, children and teachers if passed.

Parliamentary Committee Public Hearings are scheduled as below for those who would like to attend to submit your oral or written submissions of objection to the bill.

Date: Saturday 27 May
Time: 11h30 for 12h00 - 16h00
Venue: Montana Community Center, Wolsey

Date: Sunday, 28 May 
Time: 11h30 for 12h00 - 16h00
Venue: Gugulethu Indoor Sports Complex 

Join us in praying for our children and the education landscape of our nation South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦πŸŒˆ.


1) As a nation to repent for the lawlessness in the education sector by what is being taught to the children that contradicts the Word of God, not following His Ways and not choosing His Will. Ask for forgiveness for the laws that have been passed relating, especially to children, that are not in accordance with God's Will for their lives.
2) Repent as parents and grandparents for not teaching our children the Ways of the Lord but instead relying on the schools to teach them.
3) Repent as parents and teachers for how we have treated children because of the way we have gone through the schooling system and not following God's blueprint for our individual children's lives.
4) As parents to repent for being too busy and not spending time with our children.
5) As a nation to repent for abortion and that children as young as 12 years old are allowed to have an abortion without parental consent. Abortion is one of the agendas the enemy uses for child sacrifices - the blood of innocent children.
6) As a nation to repent for the LGBTQ+ and Comprehensive Sexual Education teachings that have been introduced to our children in their curriculum at school.
7) As parents, School Governing Bodies and teachers for not guarding against these curriculums being implemented at the schools. For not standing up and introducing alternative teachings based on righteous values.

1) Pray for a purity revival amongst all children, from babies in the womb to 21-year-olds.
2) For the Fire of Revival to be poured out at all creches, preschools, schools, universities, colleges and any place where children are being educated.
3) Pray for the home education community - families who have chosen to educate their children at home using different curriculums based on biblical values.
4) Pray for the education landscape in South Africa in general - that this will be an opportunity for parents, teachers and government to sit together and work out new ways of what is best for the children of this nation.
5) Pray for children and their true identities as sons and daughters created by Abba Father and for them to receive revelation on their purpose on earth.
6) Pray for the Department of Education and all other entities that are responsible for the South African Schools Act and the decisions that they are making relating to the laws impacting children.
7) Pray for teachers who have chosen to teach children because of their calling.
8) Pray for the teachers who only teach because of a career choice.
9) Pray for parents to arise and to take up responsibility for their children as guardians of their souls.

1) Spend more time with your children. Listen to them. Get to know them. Pray with them and for them.
2) Get involved in their lives. Get involved at their schools.
3) Speak blessings over your child(ren). Do this often and let them know who they are, what they are good at and let them know when they are doing something good. Hug your child every day and tell him/her that you love him/her.
4) Start or join a prayer group and pray together for your family, marriages, children, community, church and the nation.

Psalm 139
Psalm 127:3
Deuteronomy 11:9
Numbers 6:24-26
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Isaiah 60:1-5
Proverbs 22:6
Acts 2:17
Ephesians 3:14-21
Ephesians 6:1-4

The Blessing by The King's Harpists and Joshua Aaron
The Blessing by The King's Harpists featuring Joshua Aaron

Kingdom Blessings
Gavin & Deborah-Joy.


  1. Thank you. High priority to focus on our children.


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