
Showing posts from June, 2019

Stand Firm ~ The Battle Is Not Yours

The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm.”   EXODUS 14:14 AMP Life is something that we cannot plan for.  As children of Abba Father, we are dependent on the plan and the purpose that He has ordained for our lives as written in our book of life.  It is our responsibility to ensure that we are aligned with these plans by living in a communal relationship with our Heavenly Father.  He teaches and prepares us for the bigger picture of our lives but we don't always see this from His point of view .  He is the Author and Perfecter of our faith and it is up to us to trust and obey what He has planned for our journey here on planet Earth.  So metimes  life can throw you a curve ball, something not  anticipated, that pops up out of nowhere  and causes chaos in your life. And there are so many situations I could mention which you would probably witness to as well. We tend to go int...

From Agreement To Multiplication

This coming weekend we are celebrating Pentecost and the Biblical Feast of  Shavout or also known as The Feast of Weeks.  Moses received the Torah at Mount Sinai fifty days after their exiting from Egypt. The commandments which the Israelites vowed to obey.  In Acts 2, the disciples were gathered in one place when they were baptised with the Holy Spirit. "They were all filled and equipped with the Holy Spirit and were inspired to speak in tongues—empowered by the Spirit to speak in languages they had never learned ".  Both events had a dramatic experience of wind and fire as Adonai's presence came down and filled the atmosphere. At both experiences, the people were gathered and in agreement.  We read in John about two events were Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding feast and feeding the 5000 men, woman and children with only five fish and two loaves of bread. At both occasions there were also many who gathered for a specific reason but here Jesus Hi...